Malware, Adware, Virus, Trojan, Ransomware & Rootkits
PC Virus & Malware
Think you have a Virus, a Trojan, malware, spyware, a worm, etc.?
» Staying connected to the Internet can make it worse «
What should you do NOW?:
Hover over the Virus menu item (upper left, just below Home) and follow the instructions.
These unwanted problems can destroy your productivity, severely slow down or even stop the functionality of your computer or notebook and take all the fun out of your computing experience.
It’s unfortunate that there are those that thrive on invading your personal computing space for no gain; serving no noble cause. But we’re here to assist you in getting them out of your space.
Lately there's been a widespread Phone Scam.
You will receive an un-solicited call or screen pop-up. A person, typically but not always with a foreign accent (although they may claim to be local) will inform you that they work for Microsoft and have been notified that you have urgent virus issues on your computer.
They claim that your computer has been sending messages to Microsoft. They will have you enable your system's Remote Assistance.
Next, they will download and install a program onto your computer. This program will indicate many problems and issues of apparent urgency.
THIS IS A SCAM. They will offer to fix all your problems for $160 - $399.
Microsoft does not operate in this manner. A good rule of thumb is that most, if not all un-solicited inquiries or offers are false; merely clever scams to get your money.
Virus vs. Op-sys: To Remove or to Restore
We can occasionally remove virus threats from your system, but at times it just isn’t economical or even possible. This requires that we completely clean your hard drive and re-install the operating system, all programs and finally your personal files. This is actually a good thing as your system will be pristine and robust.
Your Personal Information - User Files
And don’t worry; we'll make every attempt to preserve your personal information: Pictures, Documents, Music, Videos, Desktop files and background picture, hard drive based Email information, Internet Favorites, Downloads, some program configurations and all other User Files. All you need to do is document your login and password information for email and bank accounts, on-line social networking, etc. If you can supply us with your user program installation discs or files along with your registration codes, we’ll be glad to restore those installations as well. We may be able to recover some of your registration codes for you.
Allow us to assist you in organizing your information for any future needs, such as program installation files, registration codes and login information. We specialize in this.
Is your computer getting a bit Sluggish, or is it going Down altogether? Sometimes it seems that your computer is on its last legs and maybe it's time for a new machine.
But remember how it used to work; functional and robust?
It may be quite possible to restore this status instead of searching for and purchasing a new computer.
Get a Status Check. We will trouble shoot and provide you with a complete hardware and software status of your computer.
Is your system having difficulties going into Windows, or problems shutting down from Windows? Is it taking much longer than it used to?
Maybe you're having issues with the functionality of some of your Programs.